Friday 29 April 2016

This could be my last brush with internet so I better write something. Our first day was a little overwhelming – I had forgotten exactly what the “fresh” in fresh air means. At home if I can't sleep I have only to open the window and cool, liquid clean pours in with a secret tang of the deep sky. It is like water to thirst and I am asleep again in moments. Here in Lilongwe the air is warm and thick, smells of spice and holds the possibility of mosquitoes. I don't sleep much the first night though beyond exhaustion from the trip from Ireland.

On our second day Pastor Lameck arrives; Malawian hospitality being such that he must drive the three hours from Mzimba to escort us back there tomorrow, he has been given the use of a car by a grateful patient and we have only to buy fuel. He arrives in time to drive us out to the airport to meet Jane arriving from Tanzania. My suggestion that I wait (sleeping) in the hotel while he meets Jane does not compute – he can not believe of me that I would be so rude – so we all pile into the car and lumber back out to the airport which I am glad of, of course, once I have been made to do it.

In the airport we sit in the waving bay on the second floor terrace and excitedly wait to wave at Jane, who doesn't see us, but never mind, we now have the fifty minute ride back into town to catch up and reminisce on our last trip to Malawi which took 2 days, four buses, a car, three motor bikes and four bicycles. We volunteer Davy to sit on the hard part of the seat and we drive in the dark planning our teaching strategy in broad strokes; we will spend the first day interviewing each of our twelve students to find out exactly what their needs are, how they are getting on with homoeopathy back home and what we can give them that is going to help them the most. We will be teaching use of the repertory and distributing the repertories we have brought with us but there may be other questions that need answering.

End of the second day. Night's sleep. Don't feel quite so cranky this morning! Mzimba today.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you've made it in one piece! Hope all goes to plan from here on in and look forward to your next blog. xx
